Having a bouquet of roses in our home is the most beautiful thing! We love these flowers symbolizing love, sweetness and purity. The life span of a bouquet is unfortunately limited. To make the happiness last, here are some tips on how to dry roses in order to preserve your bouquet and make it a beautiful decorative element!
First, however, be sure to follow the care instructions for your rose bouquet to ensure its longevity. You can find all the details RIGHT HERE.
Choosing the right time to dry your roses will ensure that once dried, your flowers will be at their most beautiful.
It is important to start drying when your roses are at their peak, which is when they are at their most beautiful and when the petals of your roses are fully open. You don't want to wait until they start to wilt, otherwise you will be disappointed with the final result.
Among all the known techniques on how to dry roses, I recommend you by far a very simple way of doing it, which is proven and free.
Remove all leaves from the stems and thorns from the roses.
Slightly bevel the stem of each rose with a pair of pruning shears or a sharp knife.
Using a string (or rubber band) tied gently to the tips of the roses, hang your roses upside down. You can use a hanger, nail or hook to hang them, depending on the location you choose.
To dry the roses, choose a dark and cool place in the house. For example, a garden shed, a shed, a basement room, a cold room, an attic, etc.
Avoid rooms that are damp or have too much light.
This process of drying roses can take from a few days to 2 weeks.
There is a lot of information on the web about how to dry roses. All true? or not?... Here is what I think.
Putting hairspray on roses will keep their color: in fact, all hairspray will do is leave a sticky layer on your flowers and make the dust stick to their petals and dull their appearance.
Drying roses in a convection oven, at a very low temperature, allows for efficient drying: in fact, this technique scares me a lot. There are many precautions to take with this method and you are more likely to burn your roses. Please avoid it.
Using silica gel to dry roses is faster: actually, faster, I don't know. Silica gel is certainly effective in removing moisture from the flowers. In a closed box or container, place a layer of silica gel, put the roses on top, and with a spoon, gently cover the flowers with the gel. Once the box is closed, just wait a few days and you will have your dried bouquet. So faster or not, good question! However, you have to consider the cost of buying the gel.
Drying roses is a perfect way to keep a bouquet of flowers at home at all times. It's a simple project that will add a touch of happiness to your everyday life!
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