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Roses: meanings & care!


Roses, they will always be those flowers we love! To have a little fun (or to help you make your choice!), here is the meaning we suggest regarding the color of roses! To be taken seriously... Or not!!!

  • The red rose really symbolizes passionate love, romance and the power of feelings. We reserve it for the one we love to express our deepest feelings!
  • The white rose expresses purity and sincerity above all else. It is a symbol of peace and spirituality. It can also express a new and sincere love, but be careful, its message can also be "I appreciate you but nothing more! It is then necessary to add to the bouquet some red roses for a clearer message!
  • The lavender rose signifies enchantment and love at first sight. It suggests an air of majesty and splendor.
  • The yellow rose is ideal for expressing friendly feelings as well as for wishing a speedy recovery. It is appropriate for cheering up or showing appreciation. However, in the language of love, it symbolizes betrayal. To avoid any ambiguity, it is best to include a note with our bouquet!
  • The orange rose expresses carnal desire, admiration and enthusiasm. Its message is, to say the least, very explicit: you are attracted to this person!
  • Finally, the pink rose conveys affection, sweetness and pays tribute to feminine beauty. In a mixed bouquet, it is said that its message reinforces that of the other flowers. One thing is for sure, we love its discreet side!

It is relevant to mention that according to religions, countries or even the multiple publications already existing on this subject, the meanings can vary! So don't take it literally!


In order for your bouquet to have a harmonious shape, we offer an odd number of roses if it contains less than 10 roses. Otherwise, it doesn't matter!

A little piece of information that's nice to know: certain quantities of roses will express a particular message:

  • 1 rose: to express love at first sight
  • 2 roses: to ask for forgiveness
  • 12 roses: to thank a loved one, to accompany a marriage proposal
  • 24 roses : to be at the height of gallantry
  • 36 roses : to confess your love (red), for an engagement bouquet (white or pink)
  • 101 roses : to express a crazy love


Now, here are my little TIPS & TIPS when you receive a bouquet of roses to ensure its longevity..

  • As soon as you receive your roses, remove the water tubes and place your bouquet in a vase filled with warm water.
  • Every two days, cut the stems with a pair of shears or a sharp knife and change the water.
  • It is best to avoid placing your bouquet in a warm place.
  • If the head of the rose falls off before blooming, it is because the water is not getting there. So you need to trim the stem by at least 2 cm and put it in hot water

That's it! Now I'm curious... What do you think about this rose symbolism?

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