Creative country bouquet
Available delivery methods
A country-inspired bouquet of flowers, a pretty bucolic creation!
This creative country bouquet is composed of chrysanthemums, alstroemeria, cotinus, carthamus, cabbage and carefully arranged greenery. For optimal result, as an option, add a glass vase with leather-style handle.
Here is a description of the available formats :
- Pretty: flowers and a few less greens
- Sublime: as illustrated
- Exceptional: flowers and a few more greens. The bouquet won't necessarily be bigger, but it will be fuller.
This arrangement of flowers makes a delicate and thoughtful gift, whether to express a sweet thought, mark a birthday or special event, or for any other occasion!
A creative country bouquet that is simply perfect!
Our bouquets of flowers, plants and centerpieces are delivered via our own delivery service. We serve the regions of Laval, Montreal, Rive-Nord and Rive-Sud. For prices and details, see the delivery section of our website.
If an item of this composition is not available at the time the order is placed, it will be replaced by a similar item. Style and budget will be respected.