Ecolo bouquet & Cocktail
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Ecolo bouquet & Cocktail is a pretty bouquet of spring flowers presented in a transport glass from the local company Gourmet du Village. This reusable carry mug with lid will accompany you in all your activities once the bouquet has faded. Practical and eco-friendly, we love its funky colors and its modern look! To add to the summer flavor of this gift, offer an optional cocktail mix* from the same company. Refreshing, light and easy to prepare, you can consume it with or without alcohol according to your preference. Ecolo bouquet & Cocktail, a gift that will create a guaranteed "wow"! Its freshness and delicacy are safe bets! *If you add the optional cocktail mix, the choice of the flavor will be made by our team of florists, depending on availability in store.
This gift is only available through our own delivery service. We serve the regions of Laval, Montreal, Rive-Nord and Rive-Sud. For prices and details, consult the delivery section of our website.If an item of this composition is not available at the time the order is placed, it will be replaced by a similar item. Style and budget will be respected.