Festive bouquet of flowers
Available delivery methods
A festive bouquet of flowers to celebrate Christmas!
This arrangement will make a beautiful table centerpiece for the holidays. It is composed of alstroemeria, carnation, fir tree, Christmas ball, pampas and twisted willow. It will add to your decor a festive look!
Surprise someone you know, family, friends or colleagues with this more-than-perfect centerpiece! It will make a great hostess gift too!
Vase height : 6"
Our bouquets of flowers, plants and centerpieces are delivered via our own delivery service. We serve the regions of Laval, Montreal, Rive-Nord and Rive-Sud. For prices and details, see the delivery section of our website.
If an item of this composition is not available at the time the order is placed, it will be replaced by a similar item. Style and budget will be respected.
Please note that gifts under 50$ on our site cannot be shipped individually by mail; the packaging is not suitable for the carrier. A minimum of 2 or 3 items (to reach the 50$ amount) is required for delivery to the same address.